Personal Triathlon Training
Focused Workouts
Each week you will receive a training program that is completely tailored to your specific schedule, abilities and goals so you are consistently challenged to achieve your best results.
Every weekly program includes:
- Daily detailed description of each workout (swim, bike, run)
- Goal of workout (pace, power, heart rate, cadence)
​Purpose of workout (strength, endurance, speed, recovery)​​
- Periodization and progression of workouts
Strength work
Injury prevention
Daily review of any data files (Garmin, Strava, Zwift etc.)
​Feedback re: email, text or call​

Focused Race Goals​
You will be well-prepared and ready to race not matter the course or conditions with:
Race taper plan
​Race nutrition plan
​Race day strategy and how to execute each leg of the race​
Goal race pace in each discipline
Mental toughness skills to adjust to any race day challenges
COST: $280.00 for 4 weekly training programs